Answers to frequently asked questions about LLH!
How much does LLHKY cost to attend?
We are tuition free. There is no cost to the parent, except for monthly supplies to the classroom, an average of $20/month. There is a team agreement with the parents that require some volunteer hours (by the parent or another family member/friend) and attendance at 7/10 monthly parent meetings.
How long are the students at the school?
Students attend Monday-Thursday from 8:30 am–1:15 pm. School is year round with four 3-week breaks spread out over the year. The summer session is 6 weeks and there is a 3-week break on each end of the session. The other two 3-week breaks are at Christmas time and Spring Break time.
Does my child have to attend everyday?
Part of the parent team agreement is regular attendance. We will have a growing waiting list soon of parents wanting to get their child in, so we ask that those who are offered placement, please do their best to have their child attend daily. Of course there are medical and emergency situations that arise for some students, and that is understandable.
What do you teach my child?
We use our own bible-based curriculum that covers 6 domains: cognitive, language, fine motor, gross motor, self help, and social skills. Within those domains, we cover typically developing skills for your child’s age level, and we make necessary adaptations as they present themselves.
Does my child have to be potty trained?
No. We change diapers and pull-ups of those that need and work on potty training while at school. You will need to provide your own child’s diapers.
Should I keep taking my child to outside therapy?
While we have therapists on staff who work in the classroom alongside the teacher, we always recommend you continue your child’s outside therapy also. There are different approaches between the two arrangements. Your child will benefit from both!
What are the food arrangements?
Because students at Little Light House often have dietary restrictions and allergies, we ask that all parents send in their own child’s lunch and snack. We have miniature refrigerators and microwaves to cool and then heat their lunches. Staff do not eat lunch while students are eating so that they may be able to keep all eyes on the students for their safety and needs.
How are you funded?
We are funded by individual and corporate donations, fundraisers, and grants. One of our biggest grant donors has been Kosair for Kids, who has helped to outfit our adaptive gym and sensory room and allowed us to purchase numerous adaptative equipment/tools for our students to be able to access literacy.
We ask that you help us spread the word to family and friends and ask at your workplace if they have any charitable giving fund. Find more information on donating here.